
Dan Bui

Photo of Dan Bui

Dan Bui

Bluegrass Ensemble, Old Time Ensemble

Hailing from the vast suburbs of Houston Texas, Dan Bui currently makes his home in Cambridge, MA where he plays the mandolin in a variety of Boston and New England bands. After several formative years of classical piano and violin lessons, Dan was introduced to the mandolin by seeing Sam Bush play on PBS, and he became obsessed with getting and playing one. Many years later, and he is a now a graduate of the Berklee College of Music, where he studied with acoustic luminaries like John McGann, Darol Anger, Joe Walsh, and Jason Anick. In addition to a busy schedule of performing, Dan also freelances as an audio engineer in Boston, and has recorded and mixed projects featuring some of the area’s top young acoustic musicians; his latest project being the Twisted Pine EP

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